Maintenance Notice

GingerLily @ FM is closed for maintenance until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

E3 exhibition will be closed from 29 Jul for maintenance until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

The Scientist for a Day exhibition will be closed from 4 Jun to facilitate exhibition refresh. However, its other activities and programmes will continue.
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The Birdly Experience has been shifted to Hall A, next to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.
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There will be no sales of regular admission for KidsSTOP™ from 1 to 13 Oct for the Sensoria – Sarah’s Journey of Discovery theatre performance.
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Maintenance Notice

The 3D Printing Exhibit wall located outside CRADLE with be undergoing deinstallation works on 26 Aug from 10am. The corridor along CRADLE will be partially cordoned off for the day with limited access.
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Maintenance Notice

The area under Hall A Mezzanine will be closed off from 19 Aug.
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Maintenance Notice

The Bioethics exhibition will be temporarily closed from 21 to 29 Aug.
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Maintenance Notice

Laser Maze will be closed for an upgrade from 11 Sept until further notice. Stay tuned!
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In Science Centre Singapore, we provide comprehensive and enriching learning experience for our interns and equip them with the experience to enter the working world.

  • Jermin Sung

    Dear All, 


    I would like to thank you for the opportunity to intern at Science Centre. The past 5 months have been a wonderful experience and it has been a pleasure to work with everyone. 


    Over the course of this internship, I was able to participate in many design projects, and learned a lot from everyone here.☺ 

    I greatly appreciate all the advice and feedback from Lawrence, Jasreel, Jia Qi, Daphne, Ai Cing and Eric so that I could improve on my work. In addition, learning art and crafts from Sam and learning how to use the equipment have been a great experience. 

    Everyone's patience and guidance have been very helpful throughout my time here, and I enjoyed being part of the team. I truly appreciate the opportunity given to me through this internship, and I have gained a great working experience which I will look back on with fond memories. 

    Thank you so much again for this incredible experience, and I wish everyone all the best! 

  • Ang Ying Ming (Nanyang Polytechnic)

    Dear all,


    Happy New Year to all of you, may all of you have a good year ahead! Thank you all for having me, I am glad to be part of the team, the past 10 weeks have been enriching for me.


    Hope to see you all soon!