TikTok STEM Video Challenge

First launched in 2023, the TikTok STEM Video Challenge was designed for Educators and STEM Instructors to showcase everyday STEM activities using materials easily found in daily life.


TikTok STEM Video Challenge 2024 (e-poster)

  • What is the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge about?

    Taking inspiration from the Iron Science Teacher competition organised by the Exploratorium in San Francisco since 1998, Science Centre Singapore first organised the Iron Science Teacher competition in Singapore from 2005 to 2008. 

    In 2023, the competition makes a return with a twist! Re-named as the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge, the challenge aims to provide a platform for educators (regardless of teaching subject and specialisation) to celebrate and showcase innovation and creativity in STEM education in Singapore. 

    There are two rounds in this competition: (a) Qualifying round; and (b) Finals.

  • Who can participate?

    1. All in-service teachers from:

    • MOE schools (Government, Government-aided, Autonomous);
    • MOE HQ / Seconded MOE Officers;
    • Independent Schools;
    • Specialised Schools and
    • International Schools.

    2. Pre-service teachers (National Institute of Education)

    3. Members of Young Educators in Science progarmme (National University of Singapore)

  • How to participate?

    Registration is open from 3 May to 2 June 2023. Sign up using this link
    Submit your entries for the Qualifying Round via this link no later than 14 July.

  • What do I need to submit for the Qualifying Round?

    Participation can be as an individual or a team of two
    Submit the link to a video (hosted on Google Drive, Youtube etc.) that shows you conducting a classroom activity / demonstration involving principles(s) or concepts(s) in STEM using materials that can be easily found in daily life. The video should be of good resolution, no more than 5 minutes in duration and clearly illustrate the following: 

    • presence of the educator in the video (presence of an audience is optional);
    • the age group / level of your target audience (e.g. lower primary, upper secondary);
    • explanation of the principle(s) or concept(s) in STEM in ENGLISH; and
    • the materials used / involved in the classroom activity / demonstration.
  • What do participants do at the finals?
    Finalists shortlisted from the Qualifying Round will be challenged to devise a classroom activity or demonstration using a particular “secret” ingredient. The secret ingredient will be revealed to you one day before the competition. It will be an item that is easily available (e.g. plastic bag, milk carton, balloon etc.). A maximum duration of 10 mins will be given for finalists to carry out their classroom activity or demonstration in front of a live audience at the Science Centre Singapore.
  • Judging Criteria

    Entries will be evaluated based on the following:

    • Accuracy of content
    • Age-appropriateness
    • Clarity and coherence
    • Creativity and showmanship
    • Real-world context and/or application 
    • Relevance to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Support for participants
    • An online briefing and clarification session will be conducted for all interested participants. The session will be recorded and shared on our website.
    • Two complimentary PD activities (refer to https://www.science.edu.sg/for-schools/teacher-professional-development/thursdays-with-stem for synopses)
    • Workshop on Use of Science Demonstrations for Teaching and Enrichment by Dr R. Subramaniam (optional: register by 11 May)
    • Learning Journey and hands-on activities at NUS Science Demonstration Lab (optional: register by 18 May)
    • Sharing of relevant learning opportunities and online resources with participants.
  • Prizes to be won

    ChampionBased on scoring from judging panelVouchers + Trophy + Certificate
    (more details to be provided later)
    1st Runner-Up
    2nd Runner-Up
    People’s Choice Award             Based on voting from live audience

      *Vouchers: SCB’s attractions (e.g. Escape Room, Omni-Theatre, Snow City etc.)



  • Key dates for the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge 2023
    Item/Activity Date(s)
    Item/Activity Date(s)
    Online Briefing @ 4.00pm
    Join Zoom Meeting: https://moe-singapore.zoom.us/j/84016175361
    Meeting ID: 840 1617 5361
    Passcode: STEMCeLL
     2 May 2023
    Registration for Fe STEM Teacher Challenge 2023 3 May to 2 June 2023
    *Workshop on Use of Science Demonstrations for Teaching and Enrichment by Dr R. Subramaniam (optional - register by 11 May) 18 May 2023
    *Learning Journey and hands-on activities at
    NUS Science Demonstration Lab
    (optional - register by 23 May)
    30 May 2023
    Submission of videos for qualifying round no later than 14 July 2023
    Finalist announcement 28 August 2023
    Finalist engagement session 7/8 September 2023
    Fe STEM Teacher Finals and Prize Presentation mid-November 2023

    Register via https://for.edu.sg/twsregi23.

    Synopses can be found at https://www.science.edu.sg/for-schools/teacher-professional-development/thursdays-with-stem

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What is STEM?

    It is widely accepted that STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which are four fields or disciplines that share an emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking.


    Why should I participate in the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge 2023?

    To showcase your creativity as a teacher, and to share your ideas with the larger education fraternity.
    You will also get to participate in various professional learning opportunities, and network with other educators who share a passion for STEM education.


    How is the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge different from the Singapore Science Buskers?

    While the two competitions appear to share some similarities, the objectives of the two competitions are fundamentally different.
    Some other differences between the two competitions are:

    Fe STEM Teacher Challenge    Singapore Science Buskers
    STEM-focused Science-focused
    Involves a “secret ingredient” Any science topic
    Open to educators
    (pre-service or in-service)
    Open to anyone aged 7 years old and above (primary school, secondary school, tertiary/open)

    There are also differences in the judging criteria and rubrics for the two competitions.


    I am not a Science teacher. Can I participate in the Fe STEM Teacher Challenge 2023?

    Yes, participation is open to all teachers/educators (refer to point 2), regardless of your teaching subject. As long as you are able to carry out a classroom activity / demonstration involving principle(s) or concept(s) in STEM using materials that can be easily found in daily life, we welcome your participation and submissions.


    Can I submit an activity / demonstration that was not carried out in an actual lesson in the classroom/school?

    Yes, as long as your video submission includes all the required components mentioned in point 4 (page 1) of this document.


    Do I need to seek approval from my Reporting Officer?

    Yes, it will be great to have the support of your reporting officer and school leaders.


    Can I submit more than one entry?

    Yes, there is no limit to the number of entries you can submit as an individual or as a team.


    Will participants be provided with support in terms of logistics or equipment?

    No logistics or equipment will be provided for the qualifying round.
    For the finals, participants will be provided with materials that are commonly available in a school science laboratory.


    Who do I contact for enquiries?

    You may contact Mr Bryan Lim at LIM_Choon_Huat@science.edu.sg or Ms Uma at uma_mahdawan@science.edu.sg for enquiries.

    This information sheet and the briefing video will be hosted on our Science Centre website (Fe STEM Teacher) : https://www.science.edu.sg/for-schools/teacher-professional-development



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