SCS Sensory Info (Future Makers Exhibition)

Modern day pandemic interventions did not arise overnight. From antiquity to the present, countless individuals have contributed to the evolution of knowledge. 

Discover for yourself the arduous journey science has taken. But this is as much a story about viruses as about us humans and how we can all come together to build better futures.   


what kill mothers


What was killing the mothers? 

Modern hygiene habits did not arise overnight. Find out how some individuals have persisted and contributed to the evolution of knowledge.  



Let’s Get Quizzical!

Test your knowledge as well as learn about the dangers of the infodemic.





Reflections from the Pandemic

Pandemics are social – crises can bring the best out of people. Together we can build a kinder and more gracious society. Marvel at paper dioramas created specially for the exhibition by artist Cheryl Teo.   

DSC_5492 Going Viral Exhibition


The Plague Doctor

Find out why plague doctors wore these masks hundreds of years ago. 

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