
Science Centre Singapore, KidsSTOP™, Omni Theatre and Snow City Singapore are not responsible and do not assume any liability for any damage to or loss of the property or belongings of any member or guest.

Upon entry, Science Centre Singapore, KidsSTOP™, Omni Theatre and Snow City Singapore may take photographs or recordings of any member or guest for any purpose, without prior approval or compensation.

Service Charter

Science Centre Singapore is dedicated to providing you with the best service and we can do so with your cooperation. We value our staff and will protect them from any verbal, written or physical abuse. If you refuse to follow any of the rules, Science Centre Singapore reserves the right to remove any person acting in an unacceptable manner and take legal action against any person.

KidsSTOP™ Rules

Snow City Visiting Guidelines

Social Media interactions

To ensure anyone who visits the Science Centre Singapore’s social media pages  is provided with a safe and positive experience, please refrain from posting any comment or content that falls into the following categories:

  • Discrimination of any kind: sexist, ageist, racist etc.
  • Threatening, harassing, abusive, violent, inciting violence or otherwise inflammatory to others
  • Unlawful or infringing content
  • Any personal details
  • Promotional information, including links to third parties or their products or services
  • Spam messages
  • Defamatory
  • False, fraudulent, or misleading
  • Any content that contains any swear words
  • Could break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity including breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court

Any posts on Science Centre Singapore’s social media pages that go against the House Rules will be removed and/or reported.

By using our social media sites, you have accepted and agreed to abide by our rules and the terms and policies of the specific Social Media channel as well. Science Centre Singapore reserves the right to change these House Rules at any point. If you spot any content or comments which you believe is not in accordance with either these House Rules, you may flag and report to us here.

We value your interactions with us

Clear, constructive feedback and suggestions are useful to help us in the regular review of our policies, processes or services.

When sharing your feedback:

  • Identify yourself clearly, including your name, NRIC or FIN number, contact details.
  • Provide accurate, clear and complete information.
  • Be civil, honest and professional in your dealings with us. Please understand that we will not respond to any person who is abusive, offensive or threatening in language or behaviour.
  • Use the right service channels meant for the services that you need. 

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