UNTAME Schools

UNTAME Schools is back for 2024 with the theme ‘Perceptions’!

Students are in for a treat with a rich suite of activities, featuring our signature STAR Lecture, an exciting team-based Sensory Challenge as well as the STEM Playground Grand Finale. Schools may register at www.for.edu.sg/untameschools2024.

UNTAME School 2024-STAR Lecture (e-poster)-min

Activities & Dates

(weekdays only)
Sensory Challenge -
Challenging Perception

1. STAR Lecture (recording)

2. Sensory challenge

3. Gallery trail

7 to 17 Oct

25 to 30 Oct

STAR Lecture – More than Meets the Mind

1. STAR Lecture (live with anchor scientist)

2. Sensory challenge

3. Gallery trail

18 to 24 Oct

STEM Playground Grand Finale

1. Grand Finale challenge

2. Gallery trail (optional)

12 Nov (Primary)

14 Nov (Secondary)


More details on the activities below:
  • Sensory Challenge - Challenging Perception

    Venue: Science Centre Singapore, Marquee or Hall A
    Duration: 1 h (including briefing)
    Capacity: max. 150 pax per venue per session
    Suitable for Primary 5 and above

    We rely on our five senses daily to experience and interpret the world around us. What happens if some of our senses are altered or missing? Can we step into the shoes of others who may not share the same levels of control of their senses? Put your sensory abilities to the test and appreciate the crucial roles they play in the perception of our environment.

    In this mass challenge, students will also exercise soft skills such as the following:

    • Teamwork
    • Focus and alertness
    • Memory
    • Coordination

    This is a team-based challenge, each team should comprise four (4) members. Please form the teams before attending. There may be more than one school taking part in each session.


  • STAR Lecture – More than Meets the Mind

    Venue: Science Centre Singapore, Annexe Hall 1
    Duration: 1 hr
    Capacity: max. 500 pax per session
    Suitable for Primary 5 and above

    Join our anchor scientist as we explore the science behind how our mind perceives the world around us in STAR Lecture 2024! Participants can expect to gain a deeper insight into the fascinating mechanisms behind topics such as 5 senses, memories and emotions. In addition, students can put their senses to the test and appreciate the roles they play in our daily lives through the Sensory Challenge!

    About the Anchor Scientist:

    UNTAME Schools 2024 Dr Jean Liu

    Dr. Jean Liu
    Founder, Insights Bridge Consultancy 
    Adjunct Assistant Professor, Yale-NUS College and NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
    Director, Centre for Evidence and Implementation

    Dr Jean Liu is a psychology researcher who seeks to understand how we think, feel, and act. She completed her PhD on the neuroscience of love, and conducted brain scans during her postdoctoral fellowship to understand how people make decisions on what to eat. As a former professor at Yale-NUS College and consultant for the World Health Organisation, she brings a unique blend of academic and practical expertise to the table.

    View highlights from 2023's STAR Lecture:


  • STEM Playground Grand Finale

    Venue: Science Centre Singapore, Annexe Hall 1
    Capacity: 4 students per team, 2 teams per school
    Suitable for Primary 5 and above

    The STEM Playground Grand Finale is an exciting and educational event at the intersection of engineering and perception. This event offers an engaging way to stimulate creativity and discover the fascinating ways in which engineering can manipulate and enhance our perception of the world around us. Participants will come together as a group to brainstorm ideas for the challenge given to them, and winners stand to walk away with attractive prizes as a team!

    The STEM Playground Grand Finale of 2024 will feature a fresh new challenge. For pre-event information, please visit: https://for.edu.sg/stempg-info2024.

    View highlights from 2023's STEM Playground Grand Finale:


For Enquiries and Bookings

Please contact Mr Wesley Lim wesley_lim@science.edu.sg or Ms Nur Amalina at nur_amalina_rahmat@science.edu.sg.

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