Science Centre Singapore The Science Centre Singapore is a scientific institution in Jurong East, Singapore, specialising in the promotion of scientific and technological education for the general public.
6425 2500 1977
15 Science Centre Rd 609081 Singapore
SCS Logo

Science Centre Singapore is looking for committed volunteers eager to create an impact in the field of STEM in Singapore. We offer numerous volunteering opportunities for people with and without a STEM background. 

If you are seeking a meaningful way to put your diverse expertise and interest to good use and interact with individuals of all ages and backgrounds, get in touch with us. Your contribution can make a significant difference!

Requirements for Volunteering

Should you be keen to join us as a volunteer, below is a list of requirements you would have to meet:

  • At least 14 years of age (by calendar year).
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work with and engage people of various ages.
  • Enthusiastic and friendly attitude.
  • Strong commitment to provide a high standard to visitor service.
  • Willingness to undergo required training or orientation.
  • NOTE: No science background required - we value diverse talents!

Volunteer Training

All volunteers are required to undergo training before they start. 
We are sorry to inform you that only those who have been successful in their applications will receive notifications for the training sessions.

[New] Senior Volunteers

Science Centre Singapore is currently in the process of piloting a volunteering programme for seniors. If you are a retiree and you would like to volunteer with us or join us to pilot this programme, kindly fill up the interest form here and we will reach out to you to provide more information.

Regular Volunteers


At least 30 volunteering hours per year


Facilitation at observatory sessions and galleries of KidsSTOP™ and Science Centre Singapore.

Ad hoc volunteering at Science Centre Singapore's events and programmes.

Successful applicants will have to pay a one-time fee of $6.50.


Completion certificate

Galaxy Rewards Volunteer Membership

Year-end party

Getting Involved

Individuals below 18 years old, click here to apply.

Individuals above 18 years old, click here to apply. 


Opportunities for School Students

Value-In-Action (VIA) Program


One full day shift (7 hours)


Engage and interact with guests at the Science Centre Singapore; facilitation of simple activities.

Group Size

Min. 5 pax/ max. 20 pax. Groups exceeding 10 people will be divided into smaller groups. Successful applicants will have to pay a one-time fee of $6.50 each.


• Completion certificate
• VIA Hours

Getting Involved

Contact us at to apply

Student Work Attachment Program


At least 5 consecutive workdays


Students will be attached to a staff mentor and shadow the mentor in their job scope, which may include engagement and/or guest interaction.


• At Least 15 Years of Age (by calendar year)
• Requires teacher(s) commitment
• Willingness to learn and receptive to feedback from mentor
• Min 2/ Max 4 students per school.

Working Hours

9.00am to 5.00pm (with 1-hour lunch break)


• Completion certificate
• Lunch allowance of $5 per full day

Getting involved

Contact us at to apply

Corporate Groups/Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

If you are a public service officer, you may choose to volunteer with us under the Public Service For Good scheme. Read more about it here.

You will need the following:

1. Your respective RO's approval

2. Fill up the 40 hours PSFG acknowledgment form

For other enquiries, please contact:

Volunteer Coordinator

Follow Us on Facebook: Volunteer at Science Centre Singapore