Sensory rating
Sound: Low
Light: Medium

Guests may experience dark and fog zones in the exhibition.

Everyday Science 8 - Science Centre

Daylight Wonders

Why is the sky blue? How do rainbows form? Take a stroll down the corridor of light and marvel at the different colours.

Everyday Science 5 - Science Centre

Everyday Encounters

Levitating balls and invisibility shields – this is not a movie! Try them out in our gallery.

Everyday Science 1 - Science Centre

Periodic Playground

Our world is made up of tiny building blocks called the elements. Explore their various properties in this colourful zone.

Everyday Science 7 - Science Centre

The Garden

Test out various properties of water, the liquid so important to life. Observe the diversity of the bacteria kingdom and notice the curious ways plants grow.

Everyday Science 3 - Science Centre

A Walk in the Night

Get your flashlights out and navigate the foggy streets!

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