SCS Sensory Info (Future Makers Exhibition)

Energy is all around us. While we might often find it difficult to visualise energy, humankind has learnt how to harness energy for work. Jointly presented by Science Centre Singapore, the Energy Market Authority and SP Group, the Energy Story exhibition captures the story of how humankind has progressed off the back of energy discovery, and must now work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The exhibition features six zones of multimedia displays and interactives where visitors can learn about the sources, transformation and uses of energy, from natural cycles to modern applications.

There are also exhibits featuring Singapore's own energy sector, raising awareness of our four energy switches and how we are working towards a greener energy mix. The exhibition also addresses our responsibility as energy consumers, presenting a vision of a clean and energy-efficient future.



Energy Exhibition - Energy Cycle

Energy Cycle

Learn about energy cycles in nature by watching this animated feature that uses a special projection effect know as pepper's ghost.

Energy Exhibition - Conservation of Linear Momentum

Galilean Cannon

There are many rules governing energy. Some of these produce cool observable effects and even record-breaking feats. Try your hand at the Galilean Cannon to discover how momentum is conserved and see how high you can propel the yellow ball!

Energy Exhibition - Solar Power

Solar Power

Energy can be generated from natural sources, such as the Sun, which gives us solar power. Work with a partner to direct the lamp onto the solar-powered gliders and make them fly!

Energy Exhibition - Liquefied Natural Gas

Liquefied Natural Gas

Fuel sources can be rarely used in their raw form. This interactive follows the transformation of raw natural gas to liquefied natural gas that we use to generate electricity.

Energy Exhibition - Wind Turbine

Singapore's Energy Story

Discover Singapore's energy strategy for the future through our four switches - natural gas, solar power, regional power grids and low-carbon alternatives.

Energy Exhibition - Future Power

Power the City of the Future

How will we power cities of the future? Challenge yourself as a single player or compete with friends in a multiplayer mode to see who can emerge a better planner by selecting the right mix of energy sources in this game.

[UPDATED] Energy Exhibition - Partners Logo

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