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About the event

Book Lovers Day, celebrated on August 9th, is an unofficial holiday dedicated to everyone who enjoys reading. This day encourages people of all ages to appreciate the joy and adventure that books bring into our lives.

Join us in celebrating Book Lovers Day from 8 – 11 August 2024! Immerse yourself in a day full of exciting activities where we dive into the ‘magic’ and science behind well-loved books.

Test your skills as a mythical beast explorer, create secret messages and learn survival skills for thrilling adventures out in the wild. There’s even a cozy reading corner where you can explore a variety of books donated by fellow book lovers. 

Don't miss out on Molly, National Library Board's mobile library bus, as she will be dropping by too!



Mythical Beast Explorer

Explore the mythological creatures present in our well-loved books and the history behind them.

Secret Scrolls

Hidden maps and scrolls are crucial for exploration and communication in fantasy novels. 

Create your very own secret messages using the power of science!

Nature's Feast or Foe

In survival-based books, being able to forage wisely is essential.

Put your survival skills to the test with an identification game.

Match the Tweet

In the “Hunger Games” series, being resourceful in the wild was important. Therefore, mockingjay birds became an important mode of communication.

Pick up survival tips while testing your knowledge of our local birds and their songs.

Gift Redemption

Complete at least 3 activities to redeem a prize.

Reading Corner

Discover well-loved donated books by fellow book lovers.

National Library Board


Drop by NLB’s beloved mobile library bus (Molly) where you can explore thousands of books on wheels.
*Equipped with kid-friendly amenities & wheel-chair accessible*

8 August 2024 at Ecogarden, Hall D

*All activities are from 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2.30pm to 4.30pm.


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