Science Centre Singapore The Science Centre Singapore is a scientific institution in Jurong East, Singapore, specialising in the promotion of scientific and technological education for the general public.
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Note: This event has ended.

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23 June 2023, 5:45pm

Science Café @Temasek Shophouse

The Power of Art: Exploring Mental Health Through Comics

Graphic medicine is an inclusive and empowering art form that welcomes everyone, regardless of their artistic abilities. When it comes to sharing stories about illness, it can be challenging to find the right words. That's where images come in, helping us convey what words alone cannot express.

In our workshop, we guide you through the process of creating a comic strip. Don't worry if you've never drawn before! Prior experience is not necessary.

Science Centre Singapore is collaborating with Temasek Shophouse to bring you this workshop as part of our Science Café series, in conjunction with Temasek Shophouse’s 4th Anniversary. 

Get your tickets now as limited seats are available!
Please note that the venue for this Café event is Temasek Shophouse. 
For ages 18 and above only. Programme is not suitable for children. 

Note: This is not a therapeutic session. This is a public engagement programme and is not part of any research project. No data collection will take place. 


Temasek Shophouse



Temasek Shophouse is a social impact hub and the home of the Temasek Trust philanthropy and impact ecosystem, and like-minded co-working partners. Located in the heart of Singapore, Temasek Shophouse works closely with partners from the Public, Private, and People (3P) sectors to convene change-makers, foster collaborations, and catalyse solutions to positively impact Planet, People, Peace, and Progress.



Happiness Initiative

Sherman Ho
Co-Founder, Happiness Initiative 

Sherman Ho is the Co-Founder of Happiness Initiative, a social enterprise that aims to build a flourishing society with evidence-based interventions through their products and programmes. 

Sherman is very passionate about building inclusive communities, and making the world a kinder, more empathetic place in a sustainable way. At Happiness Initiative, he leads the marketing and business development efforts, where he tries to bring new and innovative ideas to life.


Graphic Medicine Workshop


NTU Research Team (Sci Cafe)

Graham Matthews, Melissa Ho, Azila Rozaini, Sophia Hyder
NTU Research Team, School of Humanities

The Medical Humanities Cluster at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) focuses on the literary, linguistic, social, cultural, historical, and philosophical dimensions of health and sickness. The cluster promotes the contributions of the humanities to healthcare, medical practice, and the wider community and fosters international collaboration among medical humanities scholars to address healthcare issues of urgent concern in Singapore and beyond. 



5:45pmRegistration and Dinner
6:30pmIcebreaker: Happiness Initiative
Sherman Ho
7:00pmGraphic Medicine Workshop
NTU Research Team
8:30pmDiscussion, Q&A


Organised by:

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Supported by: 



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happiness intiative