Science Centre Singapore The Science Centre Singapore is a scientific institution in Jurong East, Singapore, specialising in the promotion of scientific and technological education for the general public.
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15 Science Centre Rd 609081 Singapore
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Note: This event has ended.

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Science Café 

Annex Foyer, Science Centre Singapore

Our new Gallimimus cast will be on display! 


South Polar Dinosaurs and Their Tiny ‘Friends’: The Art and Science of Piecing Together Prehistoric Worlds 

We are all awed by dinosaurs. How did they live? How did they look like? Have your questions answered by renowned palaeontologists Patricia Vickers-Rich and Tom Rich -- scientists who have personally dug up and studied dinosaur fossils. 

patricia photos

What was it like 125 million years ago near the south pole in Australia? Patricia will tell us about the environment, the major beasties that lived there and discuss how these were the toughest dinosaurs ever. Tom will speak about the tiny mammals that lived beneath the big reptiles and survived when the dinosaurs went extinct. In addition, they will talk about their collaboration with artist Peter Trusler over the years and how they’ve worked together to visualise prehistoric worlds.


Buffet dinner will be served. Get your tickets now!
For ages 18 and above only. Programme is not suitable for children. 



Viewing of new Gallimimus cast
Viewing of Painting by Peter Trusler
7:30pmThe Toughest Dinosaurs Ever?
Patricia Vickers-Rich
The Tiny Mammals that Survived
Thomas H. Rich