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23rd Feb 2024, Friday, 6.30pm
Science Café 
Amphitheatre, Science Centre Singapore


Where Science Meets Art: 

The Art of Conservation Science

What is conservation science? How do materials interact with people and the environment over time, and how do artists and scientists work together to preserve our legacies? 

Join us as we investigate how stories can be told via the material aspects of artworks and artefacts and how it helps us to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of history and culture. 

Enjoy an al fresco buffet dinner with our guest scientists with the iconic sculpture ‘The Explorer’ by Ng Eng Teng as the backdrop. 

Get your tickets now. 
For ages 18 and above only.  


The Explorer

The Explorer is a large outdoor sculpture by the late Singaporean artist Ng Eng Teng. Commissioned by the National Heritage Board to commemorate the new millennium, the seven-metre-high work features a stylised satellite structure atop stacked globes. The satellite’s rising appendages resemble flags planted by astronauts on the surface of the moon as symbolic gestures of achievement. The work can be seen as a metaphor symbolising Man’s potential for growth, learning and reflection beyond the millennium and into the far future. 
The work was first unveiled on the front lawn of the Singapore Art Museum in December 1999. It is currently on loan to the Science Centre Singapore while the Singapore Art Museum buildings undergo redevelopment. 

Ref: Singapore Art Museum. 


Klaudia Milukova



The Conservation and Care of The Explorer

Klaudia Milukova

Conservator, Cultural Material Conservation LLP


Talk will cover the environmental condition and care as well as the conservation treatment of The Explorer.

Eileen Fong_R1

The Art and Science of Materials Engineering

Dr Fong Wen Mei, Eileen
Associate Chair (Students), School of Materials Science and Engineering
Senior Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering
Nanyang Technological University of Singapore

Materials play a pivotal role in art expression, where selection, manipulation and combination of materials cleverly convey the artist’s ideas, emotions and messages. Yet, many of us pay little attention to the materials science used in art creation and preservation. Let’s explore some renowned examples of art, and learn about the role of materials science in art, and in modern technologies around us.

The Explorer

Conservation Science: Case Study of The Explorer

Dr Ivan Djordjevic
Senior Conservation Scientist 
National Heritage Board, Singapore

Dr Ivan will begin with a general overview of fundamental aspects of selected analytical techniques, followed by the case study of The Explorer. The conservation of The Explorer is a good, practical example of how analytical methodology is implemented to extract the scientific information and scientific support for effective conservation work.



6:30 pm‘The Explorer’ by Ng Eng Teng
Buffet Dinner

7:30 pmThe Conservation and Care of The Explorer
Klaudia Mikulova
Cultural Material Conservation LLP
7:50 pmThe Art and Science of Materials Engineering
Dr Fong Wen Mei, Eileen
Associate Chair (Students)
Senior Lecturer
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
8:10 pmConservation Science: Case Study of The Explorer
Dr Ivan Djordjevic
Senior Conservation Scientist
National Heritage Board, Singapore
8:30 pmQ&A and Discussion
9:00 pmEnd