Welcome to the Science Centre Singapore's Observatory!

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Our Public Programmes

In 2024, the observatory will be conducting two types of programmes.

Programme 1: Stargazing and Digital Planetarium live show



Every 1st, 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, unless otherwise stated.


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Target Age Group:

Recommended minimum age is 5 years old*

*Children below 12 years old must be accompanied by at least 1 adult with a valid ticket.

Capacity per Session:


Programme Outline:

7.30pm - 8.30pm: What's Up there? Digital Planetarium Show in the Omni Theatre

8.30pm - 10pm: Stargazing session

Ticket Information at:


Programme 2: Stargazer Experience



Every 3rd Friday of the month, unless otherwise stated.


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Target Age Group:

Recommended minimum age is 7 years old*

*Children below 12 years old must be accompanied by at least 1 adult with a valid ticket.

Capacity per Session:


Programme Outline:

7.30pm - 8.30pm: Learning about our solar system and how to use a telescope

8:30pm - 10pm: Stargazing in the field with telescopes

Ticket Information at:https://programmes.tickets.science.edu.sg

More Information

  1. Only participants with a valid ticket will be allowed access into the Observatory field and the Observatory.
  2. Participants without a valid ticket will not be allowed into the Observatory area.
  3. Children below 12 years old must be accompanied by 1 adult with a valid ticket.
  4. Book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Terms and conditions apply. 
  5. Science Centre Singapore follows the prevailing COVID-19 safe management measures.
  6. Safety goggles will be provided on loan for hygiene purpose. Participants, especially those not wearing glasses, will need to wear safety goggles before looking through the telescopes, to prevent direct contact between the eyes and telescope eyepiece.
  7. As stargazing is weather dependent, there will be no refund or alternative activity in case of poor weather.
  8. There are no free Friday stargazing sessions until further notice.
  9. These dates are selected due to availability of celestial objects in the night sky.

Click here for more Frequently Asked Questions.

Astronomy Programmes Offered by the Science Centre Singapore’s Observatory for Schools and Private Events


Get introduced to the wonders of the universe in a tour of the night sky at our Science Centre Observatory or at your choice of venue. If you would like to book The Observatory for a private event for 40 to 80 guests, please view and complete the booking form. Private bookings are not available on Friday evenings.

For small groups, please consider joining our public sessions on Friday instead. More information available here.

Training for Science or Astronomy Clubs

The team at Science Centre offers training programmes to equip students with skills to conduct stargazing activities for their peers. A standard 2-night training programme will cover stargazing basics, and equipment usage and care.

For booking of the training programme, please view and complete the booking form.


For inquiries relating to school booking, please email schools@science.edu.sg

  • Our Observatory


    Our Observatory is situated at the following geographical coordinates: 1.3342 deg N latitude, 103.7357 deg E longitude, 15.27 m Height (m.s.l)

    Our Observatory is one of the few in the world that is located next to the Equator. This unique position opens up more vistas in the sky and allows us to view constellations in both the northern and southern celestial hemispheres.

    Our Observatory is also endowed with a range of sophisticated facilities as well as a classroom for astronomy lessons, slide shows and public talks to enhance your stargazing experience:

    • The main telescope is a 40-cm Cassegrain reflector of combined focal length 520-cm.
    • Its sub-telescope is a 15-cm apochromatic Kepler refractor of focal length 180-cm.
    • The equatorial mount for the telescopes was designed with an accompanying English yoke to provide the necessary stability for the drive and tracking mechanisms.
    • The 5.5-metre stainless steel dome can be made to swivel in any direction and its shutter can be made to slide open to focus the telescope on interesting objects in the sky.

    Other stargazing instruments include some portable telescopes and a smaller observation dome that houses our second largest telescope - an 11" telescope coupled with a 7" telescope. Both telescopes are Cassegrain reflectors.

  • Astronomy 102 vodcasts

Our Observatory is supported by


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