Upcoming Events for Educators

Stay tuned for updates!

  • KidsSTOP Educators Engagement Network (KEEN)

    KEEN is an initiative to establish a professional learning community amongst early childhood educators in the area of science communication. Through this network, we hope to build a culture of sharing ideas and best practices that will facilitate educators in igniting and cultivating the interest in science among pre-school children.

    Join our mailing list today to get updates on hands-on workshops that will inspire you to teach science in the classroom!


  • Innovation Guidance Programme (IGP)

    The ECDA Innovation Guidance Project (IGP) is initiated to improve the quality of pre-school programmes, teaching-learning practices and to foster a culture of innovation and reflective practices. 

    IGP magnets


    IGP magnets 2

  • Customised Workshops

    Our customised training workshops are designed to integrate early childhood pedagogies and science concepts to equip educators with the confidence and knowledge to approach Science. Educators will explore Science topics through interesting hands-on activities and experiences.

    Training workshops are aligned with the learning areas and teaching strategies of Discovery of the World (NEL framework). Contact kidsstop_prog@science.edu.sg for enquiries.

    Customised Teacher Workshop