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On 18 May 2018, 17 teachers from Damai Secondary School, Broadrick Secondary School, Ang Mo Kio Secondary School, Loyang View Secondary School, Ministry of Education Headquarters and Science Centre Singapore visited Greenology at Farnborough Road to learn more about the company’s involvement in the area of environment education.

Greenology specialises in vertical greening systems, climate-controlled farming and data-sensors for urban greening solutions. Passionate in contributing to the greening of our urban landscape, the company shared with the participants how their technology allows plants to become part of the infrastructure without taking up too much space, creating sustainable greenery solutions. They highlighted the important roles of plants and the advantages of including plants in urban developments. Our educators took away the message that urban greening is powered by a highly multi-disciplinary workforce including the natural sciences, engineering, architecture and data analytics, and that it is important to encourage the connection that people have with nature, especially within a highly urbanized environment.

In addition to greening the environment, Greenology believes in educating the young on the essential elements that affect plant growth. They shed light on how technology may be used to enhance students’ learning by allowing them to conduct experiments and monitor the growth of plants in a controlled environment within the school compound.

After the informative sharing session, the participants toured the Greenology compound to look at the various ways that the company incorporates plants into living spaces. These include both outdoor and indoor greening, of which the latter uses proprietary LED grow lighting technology.

Greenology_1Participants are encased by Greenology Green Fins, an atypical vertical greening system that plays with the porosities of natural light and wind. 

Greenology_2Greenology VertiVegies - climate-controlled hydroponics system.

Greenology_3Irina Bytchkova, General Manager of Greenology, sharing on one of Greenology’s Vertical herbwall.

Greenology_4Participants of the learning journey to Greenology.

The learning journey gave teachers, whose Applied Learning Programmes focus on alternative energy and urban design, ideas on how to incoporate STEM activities into their school curriculum and how to engage industry partners in the education of their students. Overall, the participants had an enjoyable time learning about greening our city and look forward to more learning journeys with STEM Inc’s industry partners.

Written by: Tan Xing Yu (Education Officer)