NXplorers Journey

NXplorers 2.0 Journey is championed by Science Centre Singapore and Shell Singapore. It is a platform for young people to develop sustainable solutions to food, water and energy challenges. Through the process, students learn systems thinking, scenario planning, and develop change management skills - all highly relevant skill sets that inspire and equip students to be positive agents of change.

NXplorers Launch

  • What is NXplorers Journey?

    NXplorers Journey

    Find out more about what is NXplorers here


    Nxplorers cover page 1



    NXplorers is a proven, innovative education programme for young people aged 14 to 18. The programme introduces complex and creative thinking skills needed to become positive agents in the process of change and equips young people with the tools they need to apply them.





    Inspiring engineers of the future


Selected Schools for NXplorers 2.0 Journey 2025

Thank you to all the schools that sent in your registration together with your problem statements for evaluation. We are pleased to announce that the following 21 schools have been selected for the NXplorers 2.0 Journey 2025, listed in no order of merit:

  1. Anglican High School
  2. Bedok View Secondary School
  3. Bowen Secondary School
  4. Bukit View Secondary School
  5. Cedar Girls' Secondary School
  6. CHIJ St Joseph's Convent
  7. Fuhua Secondary School
  8. Guangyang Secondary School
  9. Homeschool
  10. Marsiling Secondary School
  11. Peicai Secondary School
  12. Punggol Secondary School
  13. Seng Kang Secondary School
  14. Singapore Chinese Girls' School
  15. Springfield Secondary School
  16. St Andrew's Secondary School
  17. St Patrick's School
  18. Swiss Cottage Secondary School
  19. Tanglin Trust School
  20. Westwood Secondary School
  21. Yusof Ishak Secondary School


Details on NXplorers 2025

Programme Timeline

The timeline for this competition is provided below for reference:

Journey Details

NXplorers Clinic: Teachers BriefingFriday, 10 Jan03:00pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
Registration OpensFriday, 10 JanFrom 04:30pm onwardsLink

Registration Closes

(no extension on closure)

Friday, 31 Jan11:59pm-
Announcement of Selected TeamsFriday, 07 FebFrom 02:00pm onwardsSTEM Inc website and via e-mail
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 07 Mar02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
Micro:bit WorkshopFriday, 14 Mar02:30pm - 05:30pmNYP School of Engineering

NXplorers Pro Training

(min. 5 teachers required to run this programme)

Monday, 17 Mar09:00am - 05:30pmScience Centre Singapore
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 25 Apr02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
What a STEM: Bubble Tea with STEM ExpertTBA02:30pm - 04:30pmNYP School of Engineering
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 23 May02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
NXplorers CampMonday, 02 Jun09:00am - 05:30pmNYP School of Engineering
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 25 Jul02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 29 Aug02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
NXplorers Global Awards NominationTBATBAE-mail Submission
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 26 Sep02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
NXplorers Clinic: What is Next?Friday, 31 Oct02:30pm - 04:30pmVia Zoom
NXplorers Carnival 2025Friday, 14 Nov09:00am - 12:30pm

NYP School of Engineering,

Main Block A,

Function Room A347


Want to find out more? Contact us here.

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