Maintenance Notice

GingerLily @ FM is closed for maintenance until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

The Birdly Experience will be under maintenance till further notice.
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Peicai Secondary’s Class 2B3 recently engaged an elderly community in a most tasteful way. The enterprising group of students embarked on Project Heart* on 22 April 2019 to modify and serve cupcakes - applying the knowledge and skills acquired during their STEM ALP Lessons!

Guided by Ms Fadhilah and two of her peers from Food and Consumer Education, the students took to the tasks brilliantly, breaking up into two groups comprising: 1) chefs and runners who prepared the meals; 2) entertainers that engaged the elderly through song. 

The treats whipped up on the day were customised especially for the elderly. They were entreated to chicken soup, shepherd’s pies, coco jelly and vacuum-packed cupcakes that were baked with less sugar! Delighted, the elderly shared that they had a great time and found the food suited to their palette!

*Project Heart which was all heart, all nutrition on 22 April – will involve other classes in Secondary 2 that will take turns organising something equally meaningful for the community.