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“One Day in the Life of…” is an initiative offered by Infineon Technologies Singapore to provide students a “glimpse” of the different operations and how it is like to work in an chipmaker company as part of its Community of Practice in Embedded Electronics partnership with STEM Inc and our schools. 15 students from Hong Kah Secondary School and Bukit Batok Secondary School participated in this first-of-its-kind programme at Infineon Singapore Campus on 7 Jun 2017.

The programme started with a welcome speech and company overview by Ms Roxane Desmicht, Senior Director of Corporate Supply Chain and “Infineon Cares Education” leader. Following that, Mr Robert Tan Thiam Poh, Senior Principal Engineer, shared about Infineon product portfolio and gave a demo on Infineon 24Ghz radar module, which can measure the distance between a vehicle and an obstacle, and detect the movement and speed of an object in a confined space. The radar module can be used for smart street lighting, industrial robotics and even automotive applications, such as lane change assistance and collision mitigation.

After a quick break, the students went on a factory tour led by Mr Mohd Tahar Yusof. It was a unique experience for the students as they could view robots in operation through a virtual gallery. After the factory tour, the students were introduced to their engineer mentors over lunch. Mentor-student matching had been done beforehand based on the areas of interest that the students had chosen. The students then followed their engineer mentors to their departments for a shadow learning experience. The students were amazed to learn about how the semiconductor industry functions and that the fruition of a product requires various people from multiple domains to discuss, work and problem-solve together.

The shadow learning session was followed by a brief career presentation by Ms Chua Shu Ting, Product Development Senior Executive. The day ended with a quick quiz for the students to sum up their key takeaways for this learning journey.

Written By: Lim Su Ru