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An article contributed by Leong Seh Yong, STEM Educator from STEM Inc, on his students participating at the Maker Faire Singapore 2016:

The 2016 Maker Faire Singapore was held in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) over the last weekend of June. Eight students from St. Patrick’s School volunteered as student’s representatives to showcase their Applied Learning Project – a robotic hand that can be controlled using muscle sensors that detect electrical impulses from muscle movements.


The robotic hand controlled by muscle sensors.

Throughout the two days of event, the students interacted with members of public from all walks of life. The members of public were fascinated with the robotic hand and were also thoroughly entertained by the students’ lively presentations.


Public being engaged with St. Patrick’s presentation on robotic hand.

As this was the first time they were involved in Maker Faire, the boys were fascinated with the multitude of gadgets and DIY projects that were being exhibited, such as the 3D printers, microcontroller chips, ferrofluid and automated xylophone.

This experience with the Maker Faire left the students inspired to explore building things on their own. As one of the student, Titus Lee said, “If you have an idea, you should just go with it.”